Technical Committee 9 (TC9) on ICT and Society hold the Human Choice and Computers conference biennially. The Editorial for the HCC12 explains well what the conference series is about and what it has sought to achieve since the first conference, in 1974.  A fuller chapter in AICT 600 details the history of TC9 and HCC together.

On this page you will find details – as they become available – of the upcoming HCC, and archive material (what survives) of previous HCC conferences.

The last Human Choice and Computers conference, HCC15 took place in 2022, at the Faculty of Global Informatics (iTL), Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.

The next Human Choice and Computers conference, HCC16, will take place 8th-10th September 2024, at the Dusit Thani Laguna, Phuket, Thailand.

Human Choice and Computers

Fourteen years after the formation of IFIP, in 1974, the Human Choice and Computers (HCC) conference series – the biennial conference of Technical Committee 9 (TC9) – began with its first gathering in Vienna. The conference was led by Heinz Zemanek, as the President of IFIP, with the proceedings, published in the following year by Mumford and Sackman undertaking duties as the editors. In this first conference, trade unionists, social scientists, and computer technologists all expressed their dismay at being reduced to mere tools of management. The participants notably included Fred Margulies who had foreshadowed much of this concern in a paper on trade unionism at the IFIP World Computer Congress in 1970. The overarching outcome was a concern over the way they felt people were being forced to use computers in dehumanizing ways. The consensus of the conference, and of Mumford and Sackman’s subsequent summary chapter in the proceedings (‘International Human Choice and Computers: Conference Retrospect and Prospect’) was that sociotechnical problems, including the use of computer systems, must be solved in ways that include community, national, and especially workers’ interests; that, ultimately, humanistic needs must take precedence over technological and economic considerations.

Since that first conference, the HCC series has firmly remained at the cutting edge of innovative and critical thinking about the interface between the social and technology. The central remit of IFIP’s Technical Committee 9 – of which HCC is the flagship conference – is the relationship between computers and society. As Jacques Berleur, Magda Herschui and Lorenz Hilty related in their introduction to the Proceedings of HCC9, “The success of HCC1 was such that IFIP-TC9 henceforth considered it the TC’s founding event, if not birthplace. TC9 was conceived in 1976, two years after HCC1.”

This founding focus has been repeatedly explored throughout the decades long journey of HCC even surviving the difficult period documented by the third HCC conference proceedings. The emerging distinctiveness of HCC conferences is highlighted by the fact that in 1986 it was the very nature, scope and purpose of the relationship between technology and people that was at the heart of an intensely critical and heated debate. In his introduction to HCC3, Sackman chooses to remind an increasingly diverse readership of the ranked list of objectives for TC9 as:

  1.        Protection of Individual Rights
  2.        Employment and the Quality of Life
  3.        International Problem Solving
  4.        International Studies on Social Impacts
  5.        Professional Social Accountability
  6.        Universal Social Benefits
  7.        Protection of Group and Collective Rights
  8.        International Planning and Cooperation
  9.        International Education

The Proceedings of HCC Conferences have been published every year the conference has run.  Details are also kept going back to HCC5 at the Computer Science Bibliography in Trier, including contents lists.  The  proceedings for many of the conferences are available in the IFIP digital Library, and links are added below.  A short history of the early years of HCC was written by Zamandina Mthembu at the University of Pretoria in 2007.

The conferences are as follows (in reverse order):


The next Human Choice and Computers conference, HCC16, Humans, Technological Innovations and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Consequences will take place 8th-10th September 2024, at the Dusit Thani Laguna, Phuket, Thailand.

For latest news and information check: Conference website


The 15th IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference took place 7th-9th September 2022, at the Faculty of Global Informatics (iTL), Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.
Kreps, D., Davison, R., Komukai, T and Ishii, K. (Eds.) (2022) Human Choice and Digital by Default: Autonomy vs Digital Determination 15th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC15 2022, Tokyo, Japan, September 8-9, 2022, Proceedings Cham, Switzerland: Springer International. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15688-5Website archived here


The 14th IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference, was due to take place 9th-11th September 2020, at the Faculty of Global Informatics (iTL), Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. Unfortunately, like many events in 2020, it was cancelled due to COVID-19.  Submissions had already been made and reviewing was underway prior to cancellation, however, so, despite some delays, eProceedings were published on the Springer website in November 2020.
Kreps, D., Komukai, T., Gopal, T., Ishii, K. (Eds.) Human-Centric Computing in a Data-Driven Society 14th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC14 2020, , Tokyo, Japan, September 9–11, 2020, Proceedings Cham, Switzerland: Springer International  | Website archived here


Kreps, D., Ess, C. Leenen, L., Kimppa, K., (eds.) (2018) This Changes Everything – ICT and Climate Change: What Can We Do? 13th IFIP TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and ComputersHCC13 2018, Held at 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018. Poznan, Poland, September 19-21, 2018, Proceedings.  Springer (2018) HCC13 Proceedings at Springer Website |  Website archived here


Kreps, D, Fletcher, G, and Griffiths, M., (eds.) (2016) Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion 12th IFIP TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC12 2016, Salford, UK, September 7-9, 2016, Proceedings. Springer. (2016).  HCC12 Proceedings at Springer Website  | Website archived here


Kimppa, K., Whitehouse, D., Kuusela, T., Phahlamohlaka, J., (eds.) ICT and Society, 11th IFIP TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC11 2014, Turku, Finland, July 30- August 1, 2014, Proceedings, Springer (2014) HCC11 Proceedings at Springer Website  | Website archived here 


Herscheui, M., Whitehouse, D., McIver, W., Phahlamohlaka, J., (eds.) ICT Critical Infrastructures and Society: 10th International Human Choice and Computers Conference, HCC10 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2012, Proceedings Springer (2012) IFIP Digital Library HCC10 Proceedings


Berleur, J. Hercheui, M.D. and Hilty, L. M. (eds) What Kind of Information Society? Governance, Virtuality, Surveillance, Sustainability, Resilience, 9th IFIP TC 9 International Conference, HCC9 2010 and 1st IFIP TC 11 International Conference, CIP 2010. Held as Part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, 2010. (2010) IFIP Digital Library HCC9 Proceedings


Avgerou, C., Smith, M. and van den Besselaar, P. (eds) Social Dimensions of Information And Communication Technology Policy, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Human Choice and Computers (HCC8), IFIP TC 9, Pretoria, South Africa, September 25-26, 2008. Springer. (2008) IFIP Digital Library HCC8 Proceedings


Berleur, J., Nurminen, M., and lmpagliazzo, J. (eds.)  Social Informatics: An Information Society for All? In Remembrance of Rob Kling, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human Choice and Computers (HCC7), IFIP TC 9, Maribor, Slovenia, September 21-23, 2006. (2006) IFIP Digital Library HCC7 Proceedings


Brunnstein, K. and Berleur, J. (eds): Human Choice and Computers, Issues of Choice and Quality of Life in the Information Society, Proceedings of the IFIP-TC9 HCC-6 Conference, 17th World Computer Congress, Montreal, August 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers. (2002) Table of contents at ACM.org |  HCC6 Proceedings at Springer website.


Rasmussen, L., Beardon, C. and Munari, S. (eds.) Computers and Networks in the Age of Globalization, Proceedings of the 5th IFIP-HCC (Human Choice and Computers) International Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, HCC-5, (August 25-28, 1998) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. (2000) hcc5cfp | HCC5 Proceedings at Springer website


Berleur, J. & Drumm, J. (eds.) Information Technology Assessment: Human Choice and Computers, 4, Proceedings of the Fourth IFIP-TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers (HCC-4), Dublin, July 8-12, 1990, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam. (1991)


Sackman, H. (ed) Comparative Worldwide National Computer Policies, Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP-TC9 Conference on Human Choice and Computers, Stockholm (HCC-3), Sweden, 2-5 September 1985, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam. (1986) Elsevier Science Pub. Co.


Mowshowitz, A. (ed) Human Choice and Computers 2, Proceedings of the Second IFIP-TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference(HCC-2), Baden, Austria, 4-8 June, 1979, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam. (1980)


Mumford, E. & Sackman, H. (eds) Human Choice and Computers, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Choice and Computers(HCC-1), Vienna, Austria, April 1-5, 1974, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975.  (1975) Available to borrow at Archive.org